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Thread: Fine Jewelry should mean Fine Jewelry

  1. #1
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    Default Fine Jewelry should mean Fine Jewelry

    When I type in FINE JEWELRY I want to look at just that not costume jewelry. Fine Jewelry should be just that real solid gold and real gem stones. I don't want to wade through 1000's of costume stuff to hunt for fine jewelry. This is the only place I have found where everything is all together. My definition of fine jewelry is not stuff made out of unknown metal and acrylic gems. Could you have a listing for Fine Jewelry where everything in that category is solid gold and real mined gems not anything man made?

  2. #2


    How about:-

    Jewellery> Gold
    Jewellery> Platinum
    Jewellery> Silver

    There is a category for Costume jewellery, but people don't understand the 'fine' concept - they think if a peice looks particularly appealing, then it must be fine!
    if we list pieces by their metal, then they would have to show they were genuine.
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  3. #3
    Forum Saint stitchysyl's Avatar
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    As a buyer I totally agree.

    I was looking for some nice pieces for my granddaughter but the fact that there was so much costume stuff in the listing put me off looking for the genuine stuff, and confused about whether the pieces I did see were actually genuine.

    I won't buy jewellery from the other side as I have heard horrific stories about fake stuff there.

    In the end I went into town and bought from a high street jewellers.

  4. #4


    I'd bet most of those sellers that list costume jewelry in the fine jewelry section, if asked specific questions about their items either won't know the answer of just BS their way through it - I'd bet they either drop-ship from some wholesale club or supplier (at ridiculous prices- could walk over to local dollar store and get same stuff cheaper, on some things) or they simply do not know anything about jewelry (or both) .. which goes against any common business sense if you're gonna be in sales- Know Your Product

    So, they think "Costume Jewelry"? Who calls it that anyway? When you go into your local wal-mart or CVS or Drugstore/pharmacy and see the jewelry they have on display - do they have a big sign over the isle saying "Costume Jewelry" ? Ive never seen it myself- many of them just list a brand name or "Jewelry Corner" or some such - no where is it called Costume Jewelry. - It kind of has a negative connotation to it anyway, so I can understand the point of view of the seller..

    I think if the categories were named, instead "Fine Jewelry" and "Everyday Jewelry" or just plain "Jewelry" vs. Fine Jewelry it might help a bit...

    I mean , if I wanted to go get a cheap bracelet for my high school sweetheart, I'm not going to even THINK to look under "Costume Jewelry" - it sounds too much like stuff you might wear for Halloween or something - while what I'd be looking for is something for "everyday" wear ... so obviously, I would tend to go look under "Fine Jewelry and hope to find a bargain

    Some places just do not give enough thought into how to name categories, from the viewpoint of "Joe Plumber" down the street- your average person that doesnt know all the technical details about stuff like that ..

    In a nutshell, in situations like this, I wouldn't so much be blaming the sellers for loading up a category with junk that doesn't belong there, as I would be blaming the category naming scheme and the sellers' own ignorance.
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  5. #5


    Art Other is the same.I dont know about you but i never buy anything thats in the wrong catagory.

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  6. #6
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    I have a lot of other FINE JEWELRY to list but if it is going to be baried in with all of the fake stuff there is not point in listing it. It can not be found mixed in with cheap stuff and no one is going to believe that it is real listed with that stuff any way. I have things listed on the other side that is doing good the first week that it was listed. Ebid needs to fix this problem or I am going to have to move everything over there to sell it. Nothing is even getting any views on ebid. There has to be a way to seperate Fine Jewelry from cheap if ebid is ever going to give the other side a run for their money. I have had some things listed for over 3 months now with no views much less sells.

  7. #7
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    When I type in fine jewelry I get a page that says there is none listed, something needs to be done to fix the problem with the way that fine jewelry is shown because it is getting mixed in with everything, when it should be coming up under fine jewelry. If you type in gold your get everything that is gold in color or titles that say gold p, or gold v, or gold ep, which are all missleading titles and are not real gold. To hard to pick out the FINE in all of the cheap.

  8. #8


    #4 - Ideal - with respect, I think you're missing the point!

    'Fine jewellery' has to be made of precious metal ( and/or usually precious stones)
    It doesn't just have to look 'fine'!

    BTW - I don't think we use the term 'fine jewellery' very much in UK, as it doesn't really mean much ( as demonstrated by OP)
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by JudesNiceThings View Post
    #4 - Ideal - with respect, I think you're missing the point!

    'Fine jewellery' has to be made of precious metal ( and/or usually precious stones)
    It doesn't just have to look 'fine'!

    BTW - I don't think we use the term 'fine jewellery' very much in UK, as it doesn't really mean much ( as demonstrated by OP)
    Sort of, yes- You've sort of made my point also - Thing is, Very often buyers arent so technically inclined as to know what to look for in fine jewelry - I would have to agree that more generic categories would be better - much more clear , for example:

    Jewelry-> High End, Fine Gold & Silver, Rare Gems
    Jewelry -> Gold,Silver,Cubic Zirconia
    Jewelry -> Pewter,Plated,Beads
    Jewelry-> HandMade
    Jewelry -> Everyday Wear, Costume,Imitation

    That's just what I as a buyer might look for, as an example - "Fine Jewelry" and "Costume Jewelry" mean absolutely nothing to me...

    Now as for the OP - I would imagine that the auctions that do not belong in that category were reported? if not, why? You cannot expect the powers that be to police every single auction that gets listed. Not even at FeePay. Here's an ancedote to illustrate my point:

    I was selling Adult items/Mature Audiences products over there. From time to time I would go check out competition and do some searches. I found items that were blatantly adult/mature audiences that were listed in categories that were decidedly NOT adult - this circumvented FeePay's restrictions on this type of item, the descriptions were careful to leave out the "over 18" nature of the items, and were being offered with paypal payment option.. In short, the seller was breaking a number of rules, However, on investigating, I noted that this seller had been selling this stuff for quite some time by the same methods.

    Well, I reported the auctions - every one of em that were in wrong category.

    Got a form letter from the other side, saying, in a nutshell "Thank you for reporting this item, we will look into it, We rely solely on the active participation of members like yourself to make sure auctions are listed in proper categories. "

    In other words, with over a million and a half listings (or even 30 million like the other side) how can anyone possibly, humanly expect *anyone* to police each and every listing?

    In order to clean up a category like this, it is very necessary for the person or persons that believe the items are mis categorized to REPORT THEM! Otherwise they will just sit there until someone does.

    So to the O.P. if you have not reported these mis-categorized items, do so as soon as possible. If you are a seller that specializes in one particular category, take it upon yourself to keep your category clean - find something that doesnt fit the category, report it.. get your category cleaned up, it benefits everyone.

    Sellers that post hundreds of crap items in wrong categories as mentioned, RELY on the fact that people are inherently lazy! they depend on the fact that someone is going to say "There's SO many, I cant possibly report all of them, I'm sure someone else has, so why should I be bothered!?, I'll just go whine about it on the forums"

    for what we're all paying in listing fees, I do not see how any of us can POSSIBLY by any stretch of the imagination, expect the Ebid crew to police every category for us!? - Get active and clean up your categories by reporting auctions that don't belong.. Make it known to those sellers that like to dump crap into these categories hoping for exposure that it is no longer tolerated. If you report enough, and a lot of them are all by same seller, then perhaps that seller will be put under review or have account closed and ALL auctions removed - so report just 2 or 3 auctions and you can clean out a 100-200 junk listings , for example..

    In short- If you think the category you are listing in is full of junk, mis-categorized items, get busy and report them- clean up your own categories, for yourself and for everyone else. It is the only way you're gonna get results. Works this way on FeePay too - they don't police every listing themselves, they rely on members to report mis-categorized or otherwise in violation of the rules, auctions.

    Don't be lazy - get busy and start hitting that report auction button. if you don't do it, don't expect anyone else to do it for you, and don't assume that someone else already has. The more reports they get on a single listing, the more likely they will be to take action faster.
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  10. #10
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    It would seem that the term Costume Jewellery means little in the US just to make things symmetrical!

    In UK, anything not made from precious metals is costume jewellery - nothing to do with fancy dress!

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