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Thread: No response from buyer

  1. #1

    Default No response from buyer

    I sold an item Thursday of last week and have heard nothing from the buyer. I have sent two invoices, one reminder and a message to their email.
    The buyer has good feedback and previously has paid promptly to other sellers and because of this I am reluctant to report the buyer as a non-payer.
    Does anyone know a way to tell if the buyer has visited Ebid since their bid.
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  2. #2
    Forum Saint
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    if they have a store on the right under username and feedback it says :last seen +date. But that is not perfect, as you have to sign in/out for it to be up to date. I am sure there is something like that if they don't have a store, but can't tell you exactly where

  3. #3


    Hi meebo,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Unfortunately they do not have a seller account only buyer access.
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  4. #4
    Forum Saint
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    That is all I can think of.
    Before reporting you need to send 3 payment reminders with at least 24 hours in between. You could start that and maybe leave a bit longer between the messages. You just don't know what problems people have

  5. #5


    Hi meebo,
    My thoughts exactly.
    As I said I have already sent one reminder last Thursday (7 days after close), the next two will have 2/3 days in between.
    What seems so odd is that they have good feedback (24), albeit from only two sellers, stating how fast the payment was.
    If they have problems I don't want to make things worse however, not knowing puts me in a bit of a spot.
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  6. #6


    I get slow payers towards the end of the month maybe waiting for salary to be paid in , this is the first pay for a lot of people since christmas.
    Suppose it depends how urgent they want it.

  7. #7


    Good point.
    The total is only £2.48, but I suppose that can mean a lot to someone who has run themselves to the wall before Xmas and has large CC bills etc.
    Take a look at my Auctions - more being added all the time:


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