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Thread: GHOSTS !!!!

  1. #11

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: yep agree with you all this site is great, my nephew told me about it today, and just had to have a look. Funny smalls , cold spots have had all these have also had experience with a ghost who used to like to take things that were Black or Red and move them around, used to think it was just me and had put them safe somewhere, but things did get out of hand with him and finally had to get the local Priest in to bless the house. Things worked for a while then he came back I never found out who he was , but was told he was my Gardian Angel. Anyway nice to have a site like this at least there is people out there that have had some things happen the same as myself so now dont feel spooky any more its great to talk about things, Just 1 question then I will shut up lol, has anyone out there had an Out of Body Experience ??????????? would love to hear from you if you have and dont find the subject to freeky, thanks to all Lesley .

  2. #12

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: yep agree with you all this site is great, my nephew told me about it today, and just had to have a look. Funny smalls , cold spots have had all these have also had experience with a ghost who used to like to take things that were Black or Red and move them around, used to think it was just me and had put them safe somewhere, but things did get out of hand with him and finally had to get the local Priest in to bless the house. Things worked for a while then he came back I never found out who he was , but was told he was my Gardian Angel. Anyway nice to have a site like this at least there is people out there that have had some things happen the same as myself so now dont feel spooky any more its great to talk about things, Just 1 question then I will shut up lol, has anyone out there had an Out of Body Experience ??????????? would love to hear from you if you have and dont find the subject to freeky, thanks to all Lesley .

  3. #13

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    I do believe that some people see ghosts but i do not think i am in that catorgory of those that will

    Several years ago i felt that something strange happened, i had a black bag of rubbish in the corner of my room (i was a teenager at the time) i had a image/ vision/ dream? of a black cat jumping accross my room, i shot up in bed and switched on the light to find that there was a signs of something landing on the black bag in my room, i know how i left the bag and the bag deff looked as though it had been jumped on by something small. everyone i know who i have told this to just laughs but i really felt that something wasn't right that night (it really scared the **** out of me for one and i do not scare easily, i love horror films)

    What do you think it was? dreams? teenage imagination? a ghost? (i've seen nothing since)

  4. #14

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    I do believe that some people see ghosts but i do not think i am in that catorgory of those that will

    Several years ago i felt that something strange happened, i had a black bag of rubbish in the corner of my room (i was a teenager at the time) i had a image/ vision/ dream? of a black cat jumping accross my room, i shot up in bed and switched on the light to find that there was a signs of something landing on the black bag in my room, i know how i left the bag and the bag deff looked as though it had been jumped on by something small. everyone i know who i have told this to just laughs but i really felt that something wasn't right that night (it really scared the **** out of me for one and i do not scare easily, i love horror films)

    What do you think it was? dreams? teenage imagination? a ghost? (i've seen nothing since)

  5. #15
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    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    Anyone tell me what this means? if there is a meaning?

    I woke up one morning quite early, when i opened my eyes there was this white woman who i swear was my mum, but didnt look like her, if that makes any sense to u? i was wide awake while staring at this woman in a white overall, white face, long blonde hair and blue eyes. The woman was staring at me, she was very close above me, this lasted for a few mins, then suddenly as i blinked she disapeared. I know for a fact i was awake. As soon after she disapeared i got the hell out of my room.lol..went in to my mums room where she was snoring away?

    I can remember every bit of detail about it, it was very weird, i know there is alot of ppl out there who know the meanings of dreams, maybe shine the spot light on that one for me?

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