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Thread: Little Big Planet on the PS3

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    Default Little Big Planet on the PS3

    Ive gone through a few opinions of this game.

    First i heard the hype, then I saw the screenshots and I was...hmm looks great, but not my type of thing..........then I read more about, rented it out this week

    At first, just plaing the tutorial, I thought it was excellent, but it seemed too kiddy for me...................

    I gotta say however after getting past the tutorial,and really seeing what the game is about, what a wonderfully crafted and creative game. It is certainly the best platform/puzzle games out on any console at this current time, and possibly one of the best games ever.

    I Just wish the PS3 had this at the launch date, as it would of been interesting to see the Wii and the xbox up against this. It and "Sackboy" (the games character for those who dont know) certainly has the aspects of being the mario/sonic for the ps3, and surely for anyone with a ps3 and kids, it has to be under the xmas tree at Christmas.

    I was speaking to some guy (who adores his ps3 and kisses sony bum), who was complaing that he thought the game whislt excellent should not be the type of game ona ps3. He believes Ps3 and the 360 should have games just like COD4, farcry etc and this type of game should remain on something like the Wii.

    Personally i think thats stupid, I want ym system to have games like COD4, but happliy welcome any wii type games that come out as well..........as long as they are good and use the Ps3's potential.

    Im looking forward to how PS3 developers building upon this genre of games, as well as forthcoming titles like Eyepet, and past titles such as Buzz TV and personnaly think, it can only be good for all gamers, if all types of games are availiable

  2. #2
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    I bought LBP on the day of release and it's sat there unused since the day after that. Just couldn't get into it.

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  3. #3
    Forum Diehard heatemyfather's Avatar
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    This is one of my favourite all-time multiplayer games, this is where the real fun is with this game! Admittedly I have not really got into the level creation thing, being a bit of a lazy git when it comes to being creative, but playing some of the offerings from other people is great. Some of the levels outshine the ones that come with the game, and the potential for new levels to just keep coming is seemingly endless.

    A great concept in community gaming!

    One thing I find so amusing when playing online is seeing other people fail, it's sooo funny! Then when they finally do make that tricky jump they pause to do a victory dance, hahhaha!

    Such a great game. Anyone who doesn't get it just needs to learn to live a little, there is more to life than COD4 et al, and if anything I think a game like LBP requires greater skill.

    This is a game I'm sure myself and many others will keep coming back to while the online community remains strong.
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