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Thread: Sellers beware. NEW RULE knifes etc

  1. #31


    Irksome for many people I know, but:

    "Better safe than sorry"

    Will it be such a hardship to buy these things from a B & M shop?
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  2. #32
    Forum Saint
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    Quote Originally Posted by JudesNiceThings View Post
    Irksome for many people I know, but:

    "Better safe than sorry"

    Will it be such a hardship to buy these things from a B & M shop?
    OK....just off to my town centre to see if the high street stores sell collectable swords

  3. #33


    Yes, it is all rather sad that such action (as banning knives/blades fro sale on eBid) has become necesssary. However, it is the safety of our children, and other members of the public, that needs to be considered above everything else.
    Unfortunately, those sad individuals who feel that they need to carry a blade in this day and age, will, without too much difficulty, still be able to obtain them from various high street shops where the owner or staff put their profit above common sense - and like with everything, there is always a black market for such items.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by NowAndThen View Post
    Yes, it is all rather sad that such action (as banning knives/blades fro sale on eBid) has become necesssary. However, it is the safety of our children, and other members of the public, that needs to be considered above everything else.
    Unfortunately, those sad individuals who feel that they need to carry a blade in this day and age, will, without too much difficulty, still be able to obtain them from various high street shops where the owner or staff put their profit above common sense - and like with everything, there is always a black market for such items.
    Sorry, but that's mostly rubbish.
    The reality is that the large number of knife crimes are happening in a very small number of areas amongst an even smaller number of gangs, yet it is the whole of the UK which has to suffer when the government wish to be seen to be doing something. Typical that what they do is punish everybody instead of getting to the real reason why this limited number of people feel he need to carry knives at all. The truth, despite the impression that both the government and the media would like you to have, is that most of us are perfectly safe most of the time. Yet we are expected to buy into the idea that we are so threatened we should all support their efforts to removed knives from the hands of everyone - even those who use the knives for normal, sensible things with common sense applied.

    I suspect that if we were permitted to see the figures for incidents involving knives outside of these hotspots we would find that there is little or no rise in numbers from a decade ago before this so-called crackdown started.

    As for a black market in knives, there is no need for one. The vast majority of knives which are found and used in crimes are ordinary household knives. Does anyone really want to see them banned?

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele View Post
    Sorry, but that's mostly rubbish.
    The reality is that the large number of knife crimes are happening in a very small number of areas amongst an even smaller number of gangs, yet it is the whole of the UK which has to suffer when the government wish to be seen to be doing something. Typical that what they do is punish everybody instead of getting to the real reason why this limited number of people feel he need to carry knives at all. The truth, despite the impression that both the government and the media would like you to have, is that most of us are perfectly safe most of the time. Yet we are expected to buy into the idea that we are so threatened we should all support their efforts to removed knives from the hands of everyone - even those who use the knives for normal, sensible things with common sense applied.

    I suspect that if we were permitted to see the figures for incidents involving knives outside of these hotspots we would find that there is little or no rise in numbers from a decade ago before this so-called crackdown started.

    As for a black market in knives, there is no need for one. The vast majority of knives which are found and used in crimes are ordinary household knives. Does anyone really want to see them banned?
    Well said Damian.
    As a serious cook (and having worked in a butcher's shop for several years), the array of knives in my kitchen drawer could inflict much more damage if used in an illegal way, then most combat knives.
    At least once a week I fillet/skin fish; I'm afraid I need a large,sharp knife for that. I also regularly debone (is that a word?) meat - again that requires a large/sharp knife.
    If my kids had been "that way inclined", they wouldn't have to look hard to obtain a lethal weapon!

  6. #36


    I think the last two posts missed the point (no pun intended) - we are not talking about banning knives per se, but about unrestricted sales of such items over the internet (especially on auction sites) where there is no policing to monitor for whom the purchases are made.
    Agreed that more needs to be done to address the 'knife culture' where kids feel the need to emulate their peers and carry a blade for 'protection' - but understand that a knife is not a defensive weapon, it is very much an offensive weapon, and carrying one in public presumes an intent to use it. And no one, the Government or anyone else, is trying to 'remove knives from the hands of everyone' - that's a rubbish remark - the Government is merely trying to restrict access to such weapons by those who would Intend to carry them in public (and I don't mean a chef on his way to work).
    All of that is by the way, as this thread relates to the banning of sales on eBid of such items - a decision by eBid - and not to Governmental policies, street gangs, or what's in your kitchen drawer.

  7. #37
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    Actually, a chef I worked with is now paralyzed from the waist down after being shot by the police because of his knives. He had gone to his girlfriends house, they had argued, she had asked him to leave. His truck got stuck in a snowdrift as he was leaving. She looked out the window, didn't realize he was stuck, and called the police to say she feared he was going to come back to the house. The police asked her if he had any weapons and she said yes, his chef knives. They shot him as he was getting out of the truck and showed his knives on the TV news as "evidence" of how dangerous he was.

    Look at the havoc the September 11th hijackers caused with simple box cutters.

    I appreciate that eBid must do what it can to protect itself in the legal environment we have today. But I also believe that you cannot prevent every potential bad outcome, no matter what you regulate or legislate. People who wish to cause harm will unfortunately find a way to make that happen.
    "You're a guest of nature.....so behave!"

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by NowAndThen View Post
    .... understand that a knife is not a defensive weapon, it is very much an offensive weapon, and carrying one in public presumes an intent to use it.
    Like the government, you are tarring everyone with the same brush. For decades there have been perfectly valid reasons to carry a pocket knife which nobody argued over. There was no presumption that anyone with a small blade intended to attack anyone else; quite the opposite, the presumption was that you wanted to whittle wood, sharpen a pencil or cut some string.

    What you, and others, are doing is lumping ALL knives in together and presuming that everyone is a violent thug. Well that's wrong. There are still some very good reasons to carry some knives but common sense needs to be applied instead of this knee jerk over hyped BS spewed by the government and popular media.

  9. #39


    9 inch rule- knife with a blade longer than 9 inches is considered a sword or illegal weapon in many states (I suppose they make exceptions for culinary arts)... (at least it was illegal in Pennsylvania - I found out the hard way)- tried to buy a hunting knife online, USPS confiscated it when it came into Pennsylvania and I spent a few hours at the police station being questioned like a common criminal.. they finally let me go though but they kept the knife. ever since then I've never even considered dealing with knives without first doing some research on state/federal laws.

    Probably similar laws in many other states and countries, if not more strict..
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  10. #40
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    As knives will not be allocated when you eat at a restaurant,
    the waiter will have to cut the meat before you get it.

    How would you like your steak Sir........
    Rare, Medium or well done.

    How would you like it cut Sir.........
    Fine, Medium or chunks.

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