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Thread: Access to the site using Internet Explorer 6 and earlier

  1. #1

    Default Access to the site using Internet Explorer 6 and earlier

    If users of Internet Explorer 6 or earlier are not being allowed access to the eBid site because of the Denial of Service attack, it would be helpful for an explanatory page to be available for them as was put up last year. It looks as if they have been unable to access eBid all day. The message that they receive when they try to come on to the site is that they do not have permission to access the eBid server. There is no guidance as to why or whether they can access the site using other browsers. Thank you.

  2. #2


    I can access the site using IE6 & have been able to all day.

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  3. #3


    Hello Gothcina, When we had the DOS situation last year, certain versions of IE6 were not allowed access to the site. It was not all versions, just some of them. If you have been able to access the site OK today, you might have one of the versions that is OK. I put this posting up in case some versions are not being allowed access, in which case it would be helpful to potential customers to know why and how they might get around the problem.

  4. #4


    I'm using Firefox right now to access the site. I use IE6 sparingly these days. I just got the boot from another website where they said they no longer accommodate users of Windows ME as an operating system. That was not long after I paid them for a 1 year renewal. So I'm starting to get used to not being welcome at websites these days... it comes with the territory (i.e. owning an older computer).

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