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Thread: Ahhhh My Bad Luck!!

  1. #1
    Forum Lurker
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    Default Ahhhh My Bad Luck!!

    Many of you might remember that I posted a while ago about my father dying, ive had some counselling and feeling alot better about things. I dont feel like ive that black cloud hanging over my head anymore. Ive got a picture of him and talk to him everyday, and its helped loads.

    I was sitting today with a friend and noticed that im starting to live my life more now, ive even started coming online more!

    Well 2-3 weeks back the ceiling in our kitchen and spare room caved in, luckily we were out! The tank in the attic burst and flooded the house. Luckily my father in law knows some builders and they have been working around the house for us.

    However the spare room is where I keep all my stuff that im selling. I sold 2 pyjamas while ive been offline and have just sent a grovelling apology to the buyers. Im hoping I dont get any negative feedback, have washed the pyjamas but they would no longer be classed as new. However offered to send them and refund some money. Havent accepted their payment yet so gave them the chance to cancel the transaction.

    They say bad luck comes in 3's, Im dreading the next one lol!

  2. #2
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    Sorry to hear about your fathers passing but sounds like your on the road to Healing - about the pjs sounds like you did what you could the key is keeping in contact with the buyer

  3. #3
    Forum Saint
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    Now you know you are not superstitious.
    there won't be a third

  4. #4
    Forum Lurker
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    No I keep saying there wont be a third. Went out santa shopping today and feel so much better to get that started! Its so hard to get something for his age as its really alot of baby things and he hates those!

    Though managed to get him his first trike that has a parent bar to hold onto, mega block table and a construction set with stand. Wont say how much I paid lol.

    The two people that got the pyjamas are newbies and dont want to put them off ebid, so have cancelled payments and sent the pyjamas free of charge!

    Tomorrow im going to start relisting things on ebid, gives me something to work on

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bitsofthis View Post
    Many of you might remember that I posted a while ago about my father dying, ive had some counselling and feeling alot better about things. I dont feel like ive that black cloud hanging over my head anymore. Ive got a picture of him and talk to him everyday, and its helped loads.

    I was sitting today with a friend and noticed that im starting to live my life more now, ive even started coming online more!

    Well 2-3 weeks back the ceiling in our kitchen and spare room caved in, luckily we were out! The tank in the attic burst and flooded the house. Luckily my father in law knows some builders and they have been working around the house for us.

    However the spare room is where I keep all my stuff that im selling. I sold 2 pyjamas while ive been offline and have just sent a grovelling apology to the buyers. Im hoping I dont get any negative feedback, have washed the pyjamas but they would no longer be classed as new. However offered to send them and refund some money. Havent accepted their payment yet so gave them the chance to cancel the transaction.

    They say bad luck comes in 3's, Im dreading the next one lol!
    Well seems to me that you have had some really good luck lately, not bad. Example, you faced the problem of your father's illness and learned a lot about yourself in the process, you learned you have a great father-in-law and carpenter friends, (and were not even home to get hurt when the roof caved in), and you were able to satisfy your customers when their items were damaged too. No bad luck there.

    So in life, it is not what happens to you that determines if the experience is good or bad, but how you handle it that turns it into an enriching and mind expanding experience or an experience that turns you sad and bitter.

    And a real plus is that your little guy is going to remember how his pop handled all these things that happened and still was out Christmas shopping for everyone. Not sitting home and not being able to function. If life is a test, you passed!!

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