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Thread: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard tpypr's Avatar
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    Default Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    In an earlier thread, I admitted to fellow forum members my concern when Face Book ceased all of a sudden. I just came across an article which, in and of itself shakes the very foundations of this once-great nation, but also contains a quantity of links concerning matters our news media is not interested in sharing with either us or the rest of the world. I present this so as not to be thought of as being crazy by the rest of you.

    As a citizen of the United States I am both ashamed and embarrassed because of what is transpiring through the current regime. Because I am not bashful in passing on what I feel is important and relevant information via my Face Book page, when that day finally does arrive when the citizens awake to a different form of government, there is a strong possibility that my posting here will stop abruptly due to my relocation to a FEMA "facility". After posting this thread, I promise to go back to trying to bring a little smile to those in need via my humor threads. God Bless You All.


    Sadly, this is more than they can handle and so many people here are living in denial. If you are not prepared to think of the USA as anything but a friendly country and ally, please do not go to this link. The fact that the information offered concerns the United States and not some Third World country is stark and frightening.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Did you vote Romney?

  3. #3
    Forum Diehard tpypr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Quote Originally Posted by countryfeedback87 View Post
    Did you vote Romney?
    Why do you ask? Would you have?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Quote Originally Posted by tpypr View Post
    Why do you ask? Would you have?
    I wouldn't. Obama all the way.

    I ask because that site seems to be a tad...right wing...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    "A Veterans Affairs whistleblower has exclusively revealed to Infowars" is meaningless. And I've never heard of this website. If this story is true, the whistleblower should take it to a reputable publication, television network, or even Fox, MSN, or CNN, that would then investigate further.

    Sadly, I could, if I wished, create a page on Facebook with any name I choose (as long as it wasn't being used yet), then write any story I wanted, put it on Facebook, and people would believe it.

  6. #6
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Do not really think it matters how a person chooses to vote; that is their personal decision. Seems curious to me though that many from other countries seem to support Obama.

    I do not get my news from Facebook. I have read many similar ideas from many seemingly legitimate sources. I read what I read; never dismissing anything; but also considering it could be tainted by political manipulation. If one dismisses things without thought, they run the risk of awakening to a rude reality. If one chases every rumor or story that comes down the pike, they risk running themselves mad.

    I try to maintain an open mind set, that can see potential truth from various sides of these type of issues. BTW, there was very little difference between Romney and Obama. When I looked at them together, they looked almost the same. So it really did not matter much who you voted for, our reality is the same.

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    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Also, no matter who you voted for, or what wing you fly from; any honest person would probably agree, that the greatness of our nation has eroded. IMHO, I do not care which wing flaps and returns our nation to greatness, I just want to see that return.

    P.S. This was a thread I posted from NBC News almost a year ago. Kind of wondered if other presidents had that type of a car.


  8. #8
    Forum Diehard tpypr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Do not really think it matters how a person chooses to vote; that is their personal decision. Seems curious to me though that many from other countries seem to support Obama.

    I do not get my news from Facebook. I have read many similar ideas from many seemingly legitimate sources. I read what I read; never dismissing anything; but also considering it could be tainted by political manipulation. If one dismisses things without thought, they run the risk of awakening to a rude reality. If one chases every rumor or story that comes down the pike, they risk running themselves mad.

    I try to maintain an open mind set, that can see potential truth from various sides of these type of issues. BTW, there was very little difference between Romney and Obama. When I looked at them together, they looked almost the same. So it really did not matter much who you voted for, our reality is the same.
    Yes, judging from the response above I believe you are correct, and I believe I know the reason why. Our country is totally in the minority worldwide -- most countries are socialist in nature and don't understand the way our system works. To them, government-sponsored medicine and hospitalization, as an example, is the norm, It isn't so much the idea that Obama is trying to plunge our nation into socialism (I'm totally against that, by the way), as it is the destructive and hateful manner in which he is doing so. He is trying to kill this nation and is doing so in such a manner whereby when it does cease to exist, insult will be added to injury, for our nation will die under socialism instead of democracy (actually, in truth, we are a republic). That will be Obama's way of saluting our nation with his middle finger.

    Neither do I depend solely on sources emanating directly from Face Book. There are, though, a great many websites that also have a Face Book presence, and it is from these that I gather my news. Face Book actually functions as a television. The Face Book presence of those many websites can be looked upon as channels, Face Book being the focal point at which those channels are accessible. Continuing with this stream of logic, it stands to reason that GOOGLE would therefore perform double-duty as both TV Guide and our remote control.

    As far as candidates go, I never have nor will I ever vote along "party" lines. I have noted throughout my entire voting life that, when it comes right down to it, a larger percentage of campaign funds would be able to be siphoned into the pockets of the candidates by just having the Democratic and Republican Parties each prepare a prerecorded message containing all of their respective beliefs and then just play that message during each campaign because, as things stand, no matter what is said or who wins, once the winning party assumes office, their term of office follows yet another prerecorded message. This message contains aspects that bring a gleam to the eyes of the office-holder, no matter what his party affiliation. Descriptive terminology such as lobbyists, graft, theft, collusion, money, and the really big one, power, tend to become the driving force so that it really makes no difference which of the two parties wins, because the end result will still be "business as usual". I will only vote for that person whom I believe has the ability to fulfill the duties of the office at hand in a superior fashion and protect the interests of the citizens thereof, which means I am constantly on the lookout for those candidates of either an independent nature or different party affiliation who may actually be found worthy of the title "statesman", as opposed to "politician".

  9. #9
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Typypr, I agree with many of your comments. The qualities that our country once had, that set it apart, were the qualities that defined its greatness. I also know that those same qualities caused great hatred of the USA by many. Those qualities although eroded have not been eradicated from the hearts of many Americans. And that is why if this country becomes a socialistic country it will perish. It is contrary to the founding principles that lead to it greatness in the first place. What more effective way is there to defeat a rival, than to defeat them from within.

    I have been on Face Book more recently, and I do know that all of the major news networks, and other news sites utilize Facebook. I do not generally get my news from Facebook, as I find the social aspect of Facebook emotionally draining. I limit my time there, as I am not used to it. However, I have a very rich source of information that keeps me current on the issues. That includes the issues that get skirted by many main stream media venues.

    I switched parties once in my life time, in order to vote my conscience. There used to be distinct difference between the two major parties, that is no longer true. The two are one. I have been debating with myself for several years to switch to yet another party. I may take the plunge, as I also seek the true statesman who is capable of leading this nation back to a state of greatness. The last great statesman this nation had was Ronald Reagan. Miss his humor and leadership.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Want to know how dangerous the situation REALLY is over here?

    Quoting from the opening diatribe of the Facebook entry:

    "Please take note how Congressman Gohmert says everyone ought to be very weary of D.H.S. and the Justice Department."

    I should not be inclined to take any notice of a writer who is unable to distinguish between "weary" and "wary"! I could not be bothered to read any further... "Beware the Jabberwock my son...!"

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