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Thread: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

  1. #971
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by peterpunto08 View Post
    1000 postings???

    Well Tony, we must be approaching the end of the end then!?
    I'm sure this subject will be resurrected when the Westminster politicians start back-tracking....that'll be when they return from work in October after their 'summer' break

    The end of the end for this thread must be in sight. To be honest, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it has.

    In the immediate day or two after the referendum, despite always thinking that No would win, I sort of felt that it may have been the beginning of the end for the Independence movement too. Almost two weeks down the line, I now think that it may in actual fact be the end of the beginning.

    If anyone is interested now that it's dropped off of the UK news radar.

    Oil, rather than running out in 20 years, may now last 120 years.
    The NHS which was absolutely safe is now in grave danger.
    £2 billion to build a functioning country was obscene, £2 billion to bomb a barely functioning country is reasonable.
    The Scottish block grant which was under no threat at all is now under threat.
    The Barnett formula which no one was going to change now can't survive in its current form.
    Gordon Brown (Lab) promised that legislation would be passed by May. Lord Forsyth (Con) stated that the chances of getting legislation started, never mind passed by May are "slim".

    A week certainly is a long time in politics.

    However, on the plus side. It would appear, much to everyone's surprise, that the whole Independence thing hasn't gone away since losing the vote and what David Cameron has declared to be the "settled will of the Scottish people" very clearly isn't. It's hard to even say for certain that it's the settled will of the "No" voters with a recent poll suggesting that around 25% of "No" voters made their choice based on Gordon Brown's last minute interventions and "The Vow" by the three leaders.

    Whether the Independence movement keeps up any momentum is also another thing that's open to question. I can't help but feel that it's got to peter out eventually, but it should have enough strength to continue until at least the 2015 General election. Whether it lasts until the 2016 Scottish Elections only time will tell. The No side, in grassroots campaigning terms, (what little grassroots it had) has already disengaged with the process it seems, and there are almost no balanced debates or discussions any more on social media. Meanwhile the SNP are now approaching 70,000 members, and the Scottish Greens 7000. I understand too that the Scottish Socialists are gaining members. In the SNP's case that's (more than) doubled since the referendum making them the third biggest party in the UK by membership. Labour have promised to learn from the referendum, but their rhetoric since has suggested that they've learned nothing and have no intention of starting now.

    An interesting point to note on the Labour situation is that every constituency in Glasgow voted Yes. So did North Lanarkshire, and West Dunbartonshire. All three of them previously rock solid Labour areas. The areas with the smallest No majorities including: Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, and Falkirk are also strong Labour areas. There's been a sense that people are turning their backs on Labour in Scotland since the 2007 Scottish Elections (although it's probaly fairer to say that Labour turned their backs on their supporters) and it's possible that this feeling may filter through to the UK General election this time.

    The reason for this is that there now seems to be a campaign brewing to oust Labour from Scotland at the next elections. I doubt it will happen but it will be interesting to see how successful it is. One set of results is suggesting that the SNP may hold 31 (+25) seats at the next general election and the Conservatives 3 (+2). Further gains for the SNP are possible if the Glasgow constituencies turn their back on Labour too. Although it doesn't appear to have been factored into the polling, it's possible that Labour's vote in Glasgow (and the Clydeside area) could be split between Labour and a reborn Scottish Socialist party. One bonus of the Tories having three seats is that we could finally see the end of the panda joke. Although if Tian Tian gets pregnant next year I'm sure we can expect a whole new batch of them.

    In some ways, specifically relating to the constitutional question, I'd now be more in favour of a Conservative government than a labour one. Somewhat perversely, the Conservatives actually appear to be offering more than Labour, perhaps due to Labour's need to keep their Scottish MPs in power and not have them disappear as part of any DevoMax/Federal set up. Whether they manage to cling on is another story entirely.

    That all said... If I were a betting man, I'd consider putting money on Alistair Darling to lose his seat in May.

  2. #972

    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    As always (well since I joined eBid in August anyway!), an interesting & informative read, Pet Bazaar

    Independence may be out of the news at the moment but with over half the population of Glasgow voting yes I'm sure the issue will be back before too long.... and biting the Westminster politicians on their collective bum!

    What a shame they couldn't just say that we (the rest of the UK) don't want to see you leave but if the yes vote wins we'll do our utmost to facilitate everything and that we'll remain very good friends & neighbours regardless.
    (dream on Peter!)

    Thanks for the tip re Alistair Darling
    I usually stick to horses.....but I'll make an exception in May!

  3. #973
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    ukip or tories or labour in may?

  4. #974
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyreddevil View Post
    ukip or tories or labour in may?
    Unfortunately Labour to win.

    I think Nigel Farage is playing a game of politics (just like all the others). I suspect he's counting on UKIP to take enough of the Conservative vote to allow Labour into power. Tories then tear themselves apart in opposition over Europe, and UKIP are there to join up with Conservative Eurosceptics in the 2020 election.

    Despite what Farage says, although he might succeed in attracting Labour voters, he's far more likely to attract Tory voters. It seems that for every 1 Labour voter switching to UKIP, 3 Tory voters do.

    UKIP appear to be a little like the SNP in that they're a bit of a chameleon party, they change their colours to suit popular opinion. In the run up to standing in Scotland in the Euro elections, they dropped their opposition to the Scottish Parliament. It seems that to appeal to Labour voters they've dropped their commitment to NHS Privatisation.

    My guess is that he's willing to abandon a referendum in the short term in order to position UKIP into a position of power in the longer term.

    My guess is vote UKIP, get Labour...


    And isn't there always a but.

    If the "yessers" in Scotland do succeed in any great measure in ousting Labour in Scotland (as I mentioned in an earlier post) it's theoretically possible that in Scotland you'll end up with vote SNP, get Conservative.

    Next year's election might be quite fun! Possibly even worth a thread on it's own.

  5. #975

    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    This thread will keep going for a long time because the Scottish issues are business in progress and not complete until the necessary legislation is in place.

    If the Scottish people are not happy about progress with the promises made, they will have the power of the ballot box next May and the opportunity to vote in a meaningful contingent of SNP MPs to sit in the next Westminster Parliament. In the same way that a trainload of Scots arriving in London in 1971 were the tail that wagged the dog of Edward Heath’s Government, so too could a large number of SNPs in the next Westminster Parliament do much to ensure that Scotland is listened to.

    When I have the time I will post something about Alex Salmond and about the Clydeside vote.

    On another tack, having shown disrespect at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela in Soweto by taking selfies, having shown disrespect for the Queen by repeating publicly her reaction to the Scottish Referendum results, David Cameron now shows total disrespect to the Scottish nation with his latest comments about the Scottish Referendum.


    If he had the most miniscule whisp of understanding over what the Scottish Referendum was about, he would understand that it is this kind of English arrogance and lack of community with Scotland that really sticks in the gullets of a lot of Scottish people. The Referendum was about the near total disconnect between the English dominated Westminster Parliament and the need for political processes that are meaningful for the Scottish nation.

    Funny but I got the impression that there was near total panic in Downing Street when that opinion poll came out showing the Yes voters marginally ahead of the No voters.

    I do not know if they teach basic good manners and respect for other people at Eton, but if they do, not all of their old boys seem to remember the lessons.

    Never mind, David Cameron has a date with destiny on 9th October when the English Nationalists get their first MP in Westminster. Nigel Farage does his politics in a much different way to Alex Salmond and is not as gentlemanly as Alex Salmond and will relish a real rough fight with David Cameron. Nigel Farage’s personal attacks on officers of the EU in the European Parliament have gone well beyond the usual bounds of rudeness and David Cameron might just learn what it is like to be at the receiving end of arrogance and disrespect in the not too distant future.

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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    ......If he had the most miniscule whisp of understanding over what the Scottish Referendum was about, .

    Never mind, David Cameron has a date with destiny on 9th October
    How could he, and most of the LIbLabCon trick. They dont even understand what the majority of the English people want.

    Or do they?

    Their end is nigh. 2015 is a prelude to the 2020 UKIP victory.
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  7. #977
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

  8. #978
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post

    Council officials were talking about this privately in the run up to the referendum. Can't say I'm surprised that Aberdeen has jumped first, their record on dodgy finances is legendary.

    Mind you, wait till everyone realises the full implications of the new IER system for registering voters. Already implemented in England & Wales, being rolled out in Scotland as we speak.

  9. #979
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    It's the little things that are annoying about this sort of story. Pointing out his son's tartan pyjamas is the clincher in this one. He may as well have added that he had a dram of whisky and some shortbread to keep him going as the results came in, before celebrating with haggis for breakfast.

    Interesting too, but unsurprising, that yet again the whole process is being personalised. Stopping "cowardly" Alex Salmond breaking up the Union by "stealth" having "illegal referendum after illegal referendum". I assume that David Cameron is able to provide some detail to back up these barely concealed smears.

    He seems to justify his comments by saying that his insistence of one question was the fair and legal approach. By implication anything else would have been unfair, or illegal. Cowardly, stealthy perhaps.

    I refer the (dis)honourable gentleman to the 1997 Scottish Devolution multi option referendum. 2 questions, 4 possible answers, and you didn't even have to answer the second question depending on your first response.

    These comments alone go a long way towards shedding some light upon why this referendum happened and why almost half of the voters involved didn't wan't to be part of the UK. What he's saying is disrespectful to Alex Salmond. Now you may not like Salmond, many people don't. But disrespecting Salmond in this way is disrespecting the office of the First Minister of Scotland. And by disrespecting the first minister, you're disrespecting everyone who voted for him, and everone who believes that the Scottish Parliament is right for Scotland.

    The referendum, despite what the media chooses to report, was never anti-English. It was completely anti UK political establishment. The two are very different.

  10. #980

    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    The problem with the David Cameron night of the Referendum story is that it shows that he is not in relationship with the Scottish people. It seems to indicate that the Referendum was allowed to go ahead as a way of dealing with a few perceived trouble makers rather than to address legitimate issues of political representation for the Scottish people.

    I do not know what is behind this latest outpouring from Gordon Brown.


    Presumably he must have good reason to make this suggestion.

    I do not doubt that David Cameron will try to keep his word. However, any legislation regarding Scotland will have to be passed through the Westminster Parliament and David Cameron does not have control over that.

    If Gordon Brown’s petition goes ahead, it would be a good idea if people elsewhere in the UK apart from Scotland could be given the opportunity to sign in solidarity with the Scottish people so that collectively we can for once make these politicians accountable for their promises and actions.

    Does anybody know if the Scottish flag is still flying over Downing Street? Or is the Scottish nation insulted again by David Cameron by its disappearance now that the Referendum is done?

    Alex Salmond will be free to stand for the Westminster Parliament again next May once he has stepped down from the position of First Minister at the Scottish Parliament.

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