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Thread: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

  1. #1

    Default Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    I had to have a lift to Mass on Wednesday evening (Ash Wednesday) as I was unable to drive safely. Harri had bitten my left hand (my fault) and I had a bandage like a boxing glove on it!

    When we came to the communion part of the service, he said that we need not shake hands as the "sign of peace" if we were worried about it. Hmm... I was, as usual , between two ladies of non-UK origin who expect the "kiss of peace" as well (on the cheek of course) and we performed this as usual. Fine....our decision and no problem.

    Then he called me to act as eucharistic minister, something I would normally do on my rota turn; however, somebody was missing so muggins got involved! Everybody communing takes the wafer, but some do not take the wine ever (communal cup) so this was in theory no problem either. The only difficulty was handling the chalice with a bandaged left hand. I managed quite well, but fewer than usual had taken the wine, for obvious reasons.

    That was when I hit the problem! The minister consumes whatever remains in the chalice - and I still had over half a chalice of wine left! It's not like sipping a glass with a meal. You take it down as quickly as you can! I finished it off, my eyes watering and the priest smiling at my breathless gulps.

    I am so glad I had a lift and was not driving that night! Thanks Harri! Yesterday I was taken to "minor injuries" and my hand is now bandaged flexibly so I may drive again. The added benefit is that I am now on antibiotics as well as my heart medication....thanks again, Harri!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    I so enjoy your stories!! This virus/current and future economic situation is worrying to me. Your group there is probably fine, as are most others around the world. But it is getting to the point of who knows, especially if the virus gets such a foothold that tracking contacts becomes pointless. Especially as it seems you may be able to catch it from person with no symptoms.

    It's nice you have such community and activities. There is an ancient local church here - and we go to occasional services there, like Rememberance day. One thing I find quite different and difficult from the churches I attended in the states is the music. Here you just use books with words - no musical notation. Sometimes that's not a problem, but so often, you sing words I know to music I don't know. Or sometimes if I do know a tune, there are changes in it that surprise me mid-sentence, and I'm off warbling something completely different to the rest of the congregation. Well, it's the thought that counts, isn't it.

    The first thing I thought was "Oh - your poor hand! You need to get that looked at!" Then the bit about finishing off the wine (probably killed some germs) was interesting. I didn't know the minister has to finish off the wine. I expect you to volunteer from now on. At least it probably took the edge off the pain.

    I was living with my sister in a prior part of my life, and we each had a cat that didn't like the other. They got in a fight, and I intervened, getting bit on the hand by her cat in the process. ouch. Washed it, and trieNd to get it clean, but by the next day my had had swollen up to the point I couldn't bend my fingers, and the back of my hand was huge. I should have gone to the dr, but luckily, it healed despite my ignorance of the potential problems it could have caused. I'm glad you are smarter and got on anitbiotics. Our little friends are priceless and sweet, but they do have realllllly germy mouths.

    Glad to hear you got bandaged in a more practical manner so you can drive. Now - a word of advice to Harri. Harri - are you listening? Yes, you, Harri. No more nipping or biting the hands that feed you. Or any hands. Got it?? Good boy.
    Ta-Ta for now!


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  3. #3

    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    Hahaha! Thanks for telling him!

    I used to love the old Welsh hymnals which had the music in them. We always referred to the hymn by the name of the tune! My mother could read onlly Tonic Sol Ffa, so if the music were in Staff Notation and she liked the tune, she'd get me to "translate" it for her! She was a contralto so needed to know not just guess!

    Vounteering with the wine? I am on the ministerial rota and often have to do it. However, it is usually just a small amount and not the bucketful I had on Wednesday! It's 12% ABV as well, for keeping purposes. The priest estimates from the size of congregation he has. There was a large congregation as it was Ash Wednesday but many took only the wafer. Hic!!

    The other day in a post I mentioned the word "aisle". That set me pondering yet again! Why on earth do we talk about the bride walking down the aisle, or up it for that matter? The aisles are the two narrow passages at the side ("aisle" means "wing"). The bride walks through the Nave!! I hope somebody knows as I am beating my brains out over this!!
    Last edited by cambrensis; 1st March 2020 at 09:03 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    And more on precautions at Church! "Curiouser and curiouser..."

    Arrived for early Mass today to find no holy water in tthe stoup. (For those who do not know, on entering and leaving we usually dip a couple of finger tips in and "bless" ourselves by making the sign of the cross.)

    Before the service we were told that this was to stop any possibility of the virus being spread via this means. I shook my head in disbelief, but said nothing. We were the told that there would be no wine (I mentioned the "communal cup" before.) I spoke later to the lady minister who was offering the wafer as was the priest and pointed out that if the celebrant were a carrier, at least half the congregation would be affected.

    After Mass the priest asked why I had shaken my head earlier. I said that as most of us took holy water without looking, we were all happily placing our fingers into a dry stoup, so were just as likely to spread anything in that way! Why not leave everything as usual with water in the stoup and a simple notice, then in the announcements tell everyone they could do as usual or not according to their own wishes. There was a chorus of agreement behind me, and a gang of us left the building and....stood around laughing and shaking hands!

    I do not know where this edict came from - the Parish, the Bishop, the Archbishop or the Pope...I doubt if it would be from the last mentioned.

    People react in such strange ways and the media do not help.

    I have the influenza vaccine every year, and can guarantee that if I mention it some "bright spark" will announce that they had the vaccine once and had 'flu' a few days later. Ask them their symptoms, etc.. and they tell you about a cough etc and having to stay at home for a few days. They've had a cold! Anybody who has seen 'flu' would not equate it with the common cold! In any case the 'flu' vaccine is a "dead" vaccine and not a live one.

    When I was teaching, a mum would often tell me that Johnny was not in school as he had a heavy cold and she had taken him to the doctor's for antibiotics, which, of course, have no effect on a cold. It was common practice for the doctor to pass out chalk tablets as a placebo as there was no way he could convince the parent that they should simply wait and let nature take its course.

    People are wonderful! I love 'em!
    Last edited by cambrensis; 8th March 2020 at 02:22 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    Last week, we were in London and went to a busy Anglican church where the only adjustment was "no dipping the bread in the cup, please".

    This week in our small Wiltshire town - no wine - no touching at the peace AND we had to have a rehearsal for the peace first?????

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    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    There is a test for flu - the doctor leaves the room where the patient is, making a suitable excuse. On the way out he drops a £5 note. If, when he returns the £5 is still on the floor, the patient has flu!

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    Quote Originally Posted by madelaine View Post
    There is a test for flu ......
    Wonderful!! This will be passed on....

    A rehearsal for a non-touching Peace? I may suggest this at next council meeting to see who "picks up the ball and runs with it!!!"
    The host in the chalice? We had a spate of this during the HIV scare. Occasionally, too, we have visitors from the far-east who attempt it - I'm never sure if it is their "custom" (I doubt this) or a hangover from the HIV scare.

    Other things occur as well of course. As we are supposed to believe literally in "transubstantation" (no comment necessary) a problem occurs should a wafer be dropped. The basic rule is for the minister to place a foot over the wafer to protect it from the shuffling feet of the congregation. (That is, it works like this.../. If it happens to me, I can guarantee there will be a hissed conversation. "You are just about to stand on a host!" "No- I'm protecting it. Take a wafer!" "But I can see it under your foot!" "Take a wafer!" "But...." (Hissed loudly) "Take one! You're holding everybody up!" Of course they are supposed to take the wafer I am proferring, not any wafer! After the service, the minister concened picks up the host and consumes it!

    With all this going on at the moment, we still have communicants who expect to have the wafer placed on the tongue, This was done away with about 60 years ago! The last time I did it, I bit the priest, owing to a misunderstanding and a lack of co-ordination! I'll leave that to the imagination...

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    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    Ours sons went to boarding school. The chapel was very high Anglican (translation "Catholic without the pope"). When a little wine was spilt during communion, no1 son told us "We are now worshiping that bit of carpet"

    I've decided to avoid the pantomime that is communion in our church until the nonsense settles down. Being a very low anglican, this is no problem to me.

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  9. #9

    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    Quote Originally Posted by madelaine View Post
    Ours sons went to boarding school. The chapel was very high Anglican (translation "Catholic without the pope"). When a little wine was spilt during communion, no1 son told us "We are now worshiping that bit of carpet"
    Love it. Have only met anglo-catholic on two occasions. In both cases I worked it out by checking what was there and what was not! Sounds odd, but they always have the "Stations of the Cross" around the Nave, but recite the Protestant version of the Lord's Prayer and no Ave.

    If wine is spilled, then we simply cover it until the service is over, then the priest deals with it (holy water and a prayer); there's no question of worshipping the carpet afterwards. Over a period of years we might end up with the altar being totally unapproachable!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Self-quarantine? You must be joking!

    It was a joke, of course, but it is interesting to know how the circle is squared.

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