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Thread: Ebid Lister Software

  1. #1

    Default Ebid Lister Software


    i have read lots of information about the ebid lister software, so far i am unable to find it, i have followed the advice on ebidlister.com, they tell me where it should be, but i can see it anyone send me the link to download the software.


    i have ebay turbo lister, can that be tweaked to hook up with ebid ?



  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by snazzi-ian

    i have read lots of information about the ebid lister software, so far i am unable to find it, i have followed the advice on ebidlister.com, they tell me where it should be, but i can see it anyone send me the link to download the software.


    i have ebay turbo lister, can that be tweaked to hook up with ebid ?


    I'm with you snazzi,
    I've looked for the link as flaunted in the website - but no show. If it's still going through the bug fix mentioned back in November, can the invitations to use it be edited so we (I) don't waste my time on a wild lister chase!!
    If this is a good piece of software, it will appease my last reservation with the eBid system - the spreadsheet is so HORRIBLE for complex listings!!!



  3. #3


    i have it if you want it - i think i can link it for download :~)

  4. #4


    What problems are you having with the spreadsheet lister ???

    It has worked fine for me. All my current listings were put up with the spreadsheet. http://us.three.ebid.net/perl/auctio...-82&mo=auction
    That's a sample of one. I don't know how much more complex you need than this one.

    The only thing I don't like is the change for gallery listings where you have to have the pic on their servers first now.


  5. #5


    Perhaps I'm corrupted by my life with another site! The idea of cutting and pasting html code, specifying various and variant postages, and not easily creating a series of templates are all major offputs for me - I have a wide range of books to list, which TurboLister allowed me to do pretty well, but the spreadsheet coding conventions for eBid are reminiscent of living in a command line age.
    I'm hoping eBid Lister will do the trick.



  6. #6


    Last edited by toilet_uk; 11th January 2006 at 06:51 PM.

  7. #7
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    I agree, I too have searched High and Low for Ebid Lister Software, and still haven't found it. Can anyone Please!!!!! HELP me?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by icarm089 View Post
    Perhaps I'm corrupted by my life with another site! The idea of cutting and pasting html code, specifying various and variant postages, and not easily creating a series of templates are all major offputs for me - I have a wide range of books to list, which TurboLister allowed me to do pretty well, but the spreadsheet coding conventions for eBid are reminiscent of living in a command line age.
    I'm hoping eBid Lister will do the trick.


    Hi Ian, have you tried listing directly on the site, and using one of the three helpful options to duplicate an auction:
    1) List similar auction - on the left hand side at the top of every auction
    2) 'Populate auction' when you begin to list an item, you can populate the auction with details from a previous auction you have made
    3) 'Add auction particulars' - in 'My Ebid Login' you can set up as many auction templates as you want, and choose one of these when starting an auction.

    Personally I haven't found it any easier to use listing software, than it is to just list on the site. I've used Ebay's Turbo Lister for many years, and in that case it has been easier, but only because of Ebay's tortuous listing process (forcing you to go through four screens each time.) Ebid's online listing is a lot better than Ebay's, so I can't see the advantage of using listing software - after all, you still have to enter exactly the same amount of information whichever method you use, unless I'm missing something.

  9. #9


    eBid Lister is only available for gold members - Bollywood - you are a silver member.
    Check out my shop at http://uk.ebid.net/stores/The-IKEA-Plus-Shop
    • IKEA - great items on offer (Special request service offered!)
    • PLUS - lots of other goodies too!

  10. #10


    Sorry Bollywood - misread an icon - I don't know your membership level

    - but are the people searching for it all gold members? If you are then under the General Options column in your eBid HQ there should be a 'My Bulk Upload' option where you can download the spreadsheet or the eBid lister.
    Check out my shop at http://uk.ebid.net/stores/The-IKEA-Plus-Shop
    • IKEA - great items on offer (Special request service offered!)
    • PLUS - lots of other goodies too!

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