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Thread: football players salaries!

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by emma5721 View Post
    Just heard on the news that by 3 years time the top players will be earning 200k a week/10 million a year

    now i'm not sure why i have a problem with this and not top actors/actresses earning 10 million per film - i think its something to do with fleecing the fans and other reasons

    all that money for kicking a ball
    It's not just for kicking a ball around though. The very top echelon of players also bring other benefits to the clubs they play for by mere association. These players attract top investors and club sponsors, thereby earning the club additional funds over and above the prize money they earn in football competitions.

    Are they worth it? Well, they must be - otherwise the clubs wouldn't be paying the amounts they do. In the crazy current world of celebrity, that's the price that's paid for success.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by silkcityuk2 View Post
    thats pretty simple really

    theres no entertainment value in any of those you mention

    all the while people pay to go and see these people perform(dunces is a bit harsh)
    they will comand high wages
    todays rich western society (no im not a muslim lol)places high value on it
    wonder if its because life is so stressful and cost of living so high now we pay over the odds for entertainement/escapism in any form

    as for acting i think they speak to a wider audience than footy - ok i might be corrected there by half the population and they dont make one film a year - and their careers are short in the main (bit like footballers i guess)

    as for nurses and teachers - grossly underpaid - as a secretary i used to earn 3 times more than a nurse - i COULD have been dossing around all day gossipping and pretending to work depending on where i worked, who i worked for (no i didnt do that but i know lots who did)

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Stu_Millard View Post
    It's not just for kicking a ball around though. The very top echelon of players also bring other benefits to the clubs they play for by mere association. These players attract top investors and club sponsors, thereby earning the club additional funds over and above the prize money they earn in football competitions.

    Are they worth it? Well, they must be - otherwise the clubs wouldn't be paying the amounts they do. In the crazy current world of celebrity, that's the price that's paid for success.
    yes i know of course was being tongue in cheek
    just dont think being a celebrity footie player is worth the money they earn - i mean who do they inspire and to do what?
    least they end up giving loads to charity lol
    not to mention you get sick to the back teeth seeing the front covers of magazines with posh and anorexic becks and weazel face and what colleen had for dinner last night

    and they still play rubbish at major events - ok not always
    then hark back to 1966 all the time and the glory -get over it was 41 yrs ago

  4. #14
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    I became dis-illusioned years ago when Paul McGrath
    "disappeared" for a week or 2 while playing for Aston Villa. He was "discovered" boozing in a Sutton Coldfield pub, and fined £10K (the maximum fine of 2 weeks wages). This was more than I got for a years work at the time.

    Then surprise surprise the begging bowl came out later for his testamonial match, no prizes for guessing who didn't rush to contribute.
    To view my listings: click here: www.loftys-stores.com

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