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Thread: Searches: need to allow edit of prices

  1. #1

    Default Searches: need to allow edit of prices

    I've just been mailed notification of a match for a search I've had running since February. The search was for "(personal,slimline) +filofax".

    This is great news, it means there is now a seller here of Filofax items. Perhaps there's hope that I'll be able to buy my 2009 refill from an eBid seller instead of ebay.

    But there needs to be a way I can include the maximum price in my search. I paid just 3 quid for my 2008 refill, thanks to eBay's more sophisticated search options so that I wasn't flooded with irrelevant auctions.

    And I've actually turned off this search now, because as far as I know the problem with emails for the same auctions being resent every day has still not been fixed. So Filofax sellers on eBid will probably NOT be winning my 2009 purchase after all.

    Actually, the seller who's just arrived doesn't stand a cat in Hell's chance of winning my business even with the best search in the world. 6.70 for a week/view refill WITH 5.99 POSTAGE ON TOP??? I know postage rates went up in April, but 5.99? Are these refills made out of solid lead instead of paper?

    Which reminds me -- the searches, both emailed ones and normal ones, need to have an option to include postage in the max price.

    PLEASE can we have hope that these improvements are at least going on the todo list for the future?
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    And I've actually turned off this search now, because as far as I know the problem with emails for the same auctions being resent every day has still not been fixed.
    Ouch. I just set up a couple of saved searches yesterday, but was not planning on getting the same "hits" being emailed each and everyday. That will become annoying and really needs some attention.

    One other glitch from a saved search perspective. My first set of results emailed to me included some that I was somewhat excited to see. I clicked through to take a look. Unfortunately, they were not available to me in the US! (sigh). My search, executed manually, rightly does not include them in the results, which is why I did not see them the other day. So, it appears the saved search was not executed in a manner that correctly matched "searchers" location with items "available to" locations. My guess is that it was executed from a UK "site" perspective.

    Hope the above makes sense.
    Last edited by drcooper; 19th June 2008 at 06:38 PM.

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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by drcooper View Post
    Ouch. I just set up a couple of saved searches yesterday, but was not planning on getting the same "hits" being emailed each and everyday. That will become annoying and really needs some attention.
    That's how it used to be, but I don't guarantee it still is. You're right it sure was annoying. Hang in there and come back in a couple of days with the good news or the bad!

    Your observation about the difference between the interactive search and the emailed one is most interesting. It's as if they're independantly programmed. Perhaps that explains why the email one lacks features such as max price. Highly frustrating, I hope they'll soon be aligned.
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    That's how it used to be, but I don't guarantee it still is. You're right it sure was annoying.
    Well, I still get the same results returned, day after day, so that "feature" has not yet been tweaked. It would be nice if it only sent matches on newly listed items so that one would not have to review the same list of items every day. I also still receive "hits" unavailable to me at my location. I've disabled auto email of my saved searches...for now.

    Last edited by drcooper; 1st July 2008 at 02:30 AM.

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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by drcooper View Post
    Well, I still get the same results returned, day after day, so that "feature" has not yet been tweaked. It would be nice if it only sent matches on newly listed items so that one would not have to review the same list of items every day. I also still receive "hits" unavailable to me at my location. I've disabled auto email of my saved searches...for now.

    I don't think the guys who run the site realise just how frustrating it is to have silence, no acknowledgement. People realise Rome wasn't built in a day. It's perfectly acceptable to say "Good point, we've put it on the 'todo' list, but it's going to take a while because such and such are priorities...".

    Silence just p*sses people off and erodes the loyalty that's otherwise such a feature of eBid. Please! Respond! Pretty please!
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