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Thread: Import feedback from other site's

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Import feedback from other site's

    I was just at another auction house! I joined. First thing they asked was did I want my feedback imported from Flea-bay or others site's listed. I said yes and this morning instead of being a 0 feedback buyer seller I have my 548 rating form Flea-bay. Why can't you do that here? Also It asked if I wanted my AUCTIONS IMPORTED. Right now I don't but seems to be the cure for many 0 feedback sellers I see here.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by henrypawlowicz View Post
    I was just at another auction house! I joined. First thing they asked was did I want my feedback imported from Flea-bay or others site's listed. I said yes and this morning instead of being a 0 feedback buyer seller I have my 548 rating form Flea-bay. Why can't you do that here? Also It asked if I wanted my AUCTIONS IMPORTED. Right now I don't but seems to be the cure for many 0 feedback sellers I see here.
    eBid was told by feebays lawyers it is not allowed, sorry but eBid cannot afford to fight that lawsuit. Maybe the other site can afford to, or hasn't been threatened yet!

    Last edited by Gothicina; 25th August 2008 at 02:50 PM.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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  3. #3


    You could always start buying a few things to get rid of the zero Have a look at my listings to see how I dealt with the feedback problem, even if it is a problem which I doubt or are you selling high value electronic items.

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  4. #4
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    When I start selling it will be AT&T Unlocked modems for worldwide GSM networks $50 to $200. Then I also have other computer parts. I really don't see how it could be illegal when I give permission to go into my account and use that information. I also don't see why I have to buy just to buy to get what I already have at E-BAY. I will just POST my user name at E-BAY and keep 1 item listed as next month they are going to have a .35 fixed price listing for 30 days no matter what it cost or how many cheap to keep your feedback open to other's who might want to buy from me or sell to me. I read the post's from other user's. It doesn't distort anything it gives a useful look at a person who has for years of doing this kind of thing the proper respect and consideration they deserve the same as asking for references does for a landlord. Trying to build something you already have doesn't make since. Not being able to fight battles because you don't have the money well that's another thing. I don't understand this it is not a bake sale were not here to be friends although that might end up being the case. We are here to sell we only need for people to know what to expect from us feedback from any site should count in that. People only need to know they can trust me not fall in love with me! As for building from 0 I already did that I should not have to do it again!

  5. #5


    But any Feedback you import (were it actually allowed) would not show how you performed ON HERE would it?

    All sites are different - some a lot more lax than others - so how could people actually be SURE of what they would be getting?

    I don't understand this it is not a bake sale were not here to be friends

    Oh? really?
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  6. #6
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    If you want to quote someone you should actually use the whole quote not just the part you don't like. I believe most are like me they are not trying to find a social club but a better way of selling.

    I don't understand this it is not a bake sale were not here to be friends

    "I don't understand this it is not a bake sale were not here to be friends although that might end up being the case"

  7. #7


    same difference! LOl
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  8. #8


    If eBid were able to do this I'm sure they would, but they do not have the resources to take on corporate America.

    How you or I feel about the ownership of feedback earned on feebay doesn't come into it, because you agreed to THEIR terms when you signed the user agreement.

    You can show your feebay feedback by using auctionfb or repartoo if you want to.

    At the end of the day this is really the only quote that counts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark View Post
    Unfortuantely, we are unable to mirror/transfer feedback from eBay.

    To mirror feedback ratings from other sites, please send a jpeg/gif screen shot of your feedback from within your login area of the site in question.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by henrypawlowicz View Post
    I was just at another auction house! I joined. First thing they asked was did I want my feedback imported from Flea-bay or others site's listed. I said yes and this morning instead of being a 0 feedback buyer seller I have my 548 rating form Flea-bay. Why can't you do that here? Also It asked if I wanted my AUCTIONS IMPORTED. Right now I don't but seems to be the cure for many 0 feedback sellers I see here.
    Hi Henry, A warm welcome glad you have joined us. I left behind over 3,000 feedback (100% positive) on the other side when I returned here full time in February, and you know what, I couldn't give a fig!

    I am so very pleased to wash my hands of everything to do with them after the way they treated me. I must have paid them thousands in fees but I had a hacker break into my account and feebay's wonderful customer service took 25 days to correct it. In which time I couldn't list and it ruined my power seller status and lost me my fee reductions. They expected us sellers to give good service yet gave none to their own customers!

    Trust and reputation is gained by a bit of effort and I'm proud of my eBid feedback. It may not be 3,000 yet but I'm working on it !!!

  10. #10


    Feedback on ebid is worth the effort post items give quality service. And great feedback is the result.
    See all the items up for sale this week at Crazymama's


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