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Thread: Import feedback from other site's

  1. #11
    Forum Lurker
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    Hyperventilating about feedback elsewhere distracts one from focusing on getting sales. The lawsuit feebay bring against the site you mention should be interesting ... and bankrupt them. Perhaps you'd like to tell us the name of this collection of unwise auctioneers who freely import data from feebay without their permission, Henry .. :: grinz ::

    Bleating about this is just wasting our time and yours; oh, and cutting-and-pasting the same text into various eBid threads will not get your points taken seriously by anyone above the mid-point of the Bell Curve.

    For those who are genuinely bothered about migrating, certainly, a little background helps in marketing, but, in practice, online clients don't give a tinker's cuss about how fabulous you were somewhere else - they're interested in what service and products you're providing right now, because they want to buy things right now. You can mention your previous record in your About Me, or even add a little background about yourself or your previous record as an addendum to your listings.

    Think of it as a new venture, as Ken says - unlike a new website, which has no feedback, you can put your effort into driving traffic to your new online venue, which has the advantage of an in-place structure, and your previous clients from elsewhere already know you're good

    Last edited by cruellady; 28th August 2008 at 06:31 AM. Reason: Too many worbs

  2. #12
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    If this is a waste of your time please don't read any further

    Being new to anything but E-BAY I had never heard of the problems that E-BID and others have had with E-BAY bringing lawsuits for doing what I thought was a good idea. Unlike most here (I guess) I did not read all of the pre sign up at E-BAY as I did not here. Seems like if anyone is( I cut and paste) "Hyperventilating about feedback elsewhere distracts one from focusing on getting sales" That it is not me but anyone who takes offence because someone does not hold the same high regard for 0 feedback sellers. I look around THIS site I see lots of software being sold as legal when it is not. No COA, DELL branded also can be put on any computer when the label says for Distribution with a new Dell computer. Or can be loaded on as many computers as you want Corporate edition all of these are not legal programs!!! $14.00 for Windows XP free shipping! Sound legal to you. Other's who visit see the same thing! Most of the seller's have 0 or 1 next to there dark glasses. If they have say 46 or so they just have not been caught yet. You don't have to be that smart to see it and catch it and most importantly get rid of it. Want to buy the London bridge????

    I don't really care that much about it because if I join to sell I will have a link to my E-BAY feedback. Since I will still sell there I will have sales going that I can be contacted through.

    The reason I joined here was I was tired of being told what I could say and what I could not say. But at least on E-BAY I/Q was never a problem I ran into.

    There are two reasons I cut and paste. 1: I want to spell check my profoundly poor spelling so those above the BELL CURVE can understand. 2: When quoting someone I want to make sure it is exactly what they say.

    Now if the intelligent have problems with that since there are less of them than there are of the less intellectually inclined I think I will do OK.. I guess since everything is known suggestions are not really needed.

    By the way the other site is iOffer

    As far as Ken or anyone else I don't like doing thing's the second time when I did it right the first time. This is not a new venture. It is just the same thing different day with different people telling you what you should think and do.
    Last edited by henrypawlowicz; 29th August 2008 at 04:10 AM.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by henrypawlowicz View Post
    I don't really care that much about it because if I join to sell I will have a link to my E-BAY feedback. Since I will still sell there I will have sales going that I can be contacted through.
    a word of advice/warning....

    if you have clickable links that leads to ANY off site E Commerce site your auctions will be removed by this sites software when it finds them.

  4. #14


    Henry, i do sympathize with your point of view.
    I still have my other account with 4000+ feedback, and it is a wrench to leave all that hard work behind.

    However, this is a new start and i need to prove myself on here, like i did on there.
    Think of it like divorce, and ebid is your new love.You gotta go through the getting to know you stage before you jump in deeper...

  5. #15


    Jeez Henry, and I thought *I* had issues!

    If you link to eBay from here, you will just get binned, same way as eBay do it if you try and link to anywhere else from there.

    Good luck in all you do, although I have to say, if you go round with the sort of attitude you seem to have from your posting, I cant see you getting very far.


    Nuff said.

  6. #16


    But at least on E-BAY I/Q was never a problem I ran into.

    There are two reasons I cut and paste. 1: I want to spell check my profoundly poor spelling so those above the BELL CURVE can understand. 2: When quoting someone I want to make sure it is exactly what they say.

    And there's really no need to be quite as rude as that!
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  7. #17


    for us with no iq - could you please explain what exactly *is* a bell curve??

  8. #18
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    It's a reference to the normal distribution - most people are clustered around average - except in two areas - everyone is an above average driver and an above average lover

    The OP is an above average tantrum thrower...

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  9. #19
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    #9 i totally agree.
    I had over 15,000 fee-bay feedback 99.9% Positive and i wouldnt wish at all to have that feedback brought onto here.
    I am glad to have washed my hands of that place, its scummy.

  10. #20
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